This photo captures the Bardejov town hall bathed in the tranquil hues of the evening's "blue hour." Standing regally amidst...

Bardejov's Town Hall: Evening Elegance

Bardejov, Slovakia

This photo captures the Bardejov town hall bathed in the tranquil hues of the evening's "blue hour." Standing regally amidst a bustling square lined with shops and residences, the town hall serves as a timeless centerpiece. Bardejov, with its rich history dating back to the 13th century, is a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, including the striking town hall. Steve, Milos, and I patiently awaited the perfect lighting, skillfully maneuvering to preserve the essence of this historic gem amid the bustling life of the square. Photo © copyright by Rich Voninski.

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