Captured on Velvia 50 film with a Mamiya 7 camera, this image offers a unique perspective of Banaue, Philippines. A departure...

Banaue Across Two Frames

Banaue, Ifugao, Philippines

Captured on Velvia 50 film with a Mamiya 7 camera, this image offers a unique perspective of Banaue, Philippines. A departure from the conventional panoramic format, it reveals the town in two distinct frames. The lower portion of the frame showcases the intricate rice terraces and the quaint homes of Banaue, creating a vivid picture of daily life. Ascending in the upper portions of the frames, the view culminates in a towering cloud-covered mountain. By embracing the edges of these frames, the composition invites viewers to imagine the panoramic vista that lies between, making it an unconventional yet engaging portrayal of this vibrant region. Photo © copyright by Rich Voninski.

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