In the heart of Daigo-ji Temple, Kyoto, Japan, "Crimson Rainfall" captures the poetic dance of nature's tears. Amidst the peak...

Crimson Rainfall

Daigo-ji Temple, Kyoto, Japan

In the heart of Daigo-ji Temple, Kyoto, Japan, "Crimson Rainfall" captures the poetic dance of nature's tears. Amidst the peak of autumn's embrace, vibrant red leaves adorn the scene, a testament to fleeting beauty. The rain's embrace graces the frame, a reminder of nature's resilience. Behind the foliage, a temple building stands sentinel, while the pond mirrors this splendid panorama. With each droplet, a moment's grace is woven into this tapestry, inviting contemplation in the midst of serene rain-soaked splendor. Photo © copyright by Rich Voninski.

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